2025/2026 Class Descriptions
Preschool Amy Beecher
This is a two hour class. Learn together with new friends and have fun! – Home Grown Preschooler – Explore various manipulatives, try new things, participate in calendar time, explore God’s creation, learn songs, letters, numbers, and memorize God’s word together. Supplies needed: crayons, colored pencils, markers, safety scissors, and a painting smock. Homework requirements: nature walks, telling stories to family members to record in personal journal, children will have opportunities to share their adventures and stories with the class, practice making eye contact and speaking clearly. $10.00 class supplies fee per semester
Pre K and Kindergarten Rachel Fischer
This class is three hours and is best when the student attends all three. We will learn together letter sounds, Bible verses, songs, calendar and weather and so much more. We will do hands-on science experiments, read amazing literature and math skills. We will have snack and play outside a bit too. There may be some homework from time to time, such as data collecting and reading. Class fee is $15 per semester.
Nature Crafts Pre-k – 2nd Marrissa Wagner
God has given us a life full of color. How lucky are we to be in such creation where we are able to mold together pieces of what he has laid out for us. Using natural materials, diffusing it all together making art pieces made by hand. Glorifying Him, in the life he has provided for us. Nature crafts is a class filled with just that. In this class, students will be hands on using all their senses. Learning about natural dyes from herbs, spices, fruits, and plants. Creating homemade play-doe, and hands scrubs. Collecting earth materials to make projects to keep for a lifetime, and always remember, Romans 1:18–20: God reveals himself through nature, so people have no excuse for not knowing him. There may be class fee or items to bring in.
First grade Laura Poff
First Grade Rocks!! This class is a great way to make new friends, build relationships and character while strengthening academic skills. Join me and your classmates for a class full of reading, writing, playing, and growing together in God’s word! $15 a semester. Students should know letters and be able to write the alphabet with little prompting.
Kindergarten Art Rebecca McKeever
Art 1-2nd Rebecca McKeever
Art 3-5 Rebecca McKeever
Elementary ASL Jennifer Scott
Math Games Angela Young. Jessica Brandon
During class time we will have fun using our math skills and further develop our math savvy. We will use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This class is geared for 2-5th grade, but others are welcome.
Story of the World 1 Jessica Brandon 2-7
This amazing series unfolds ancient history with interesting dialogue and stories so one understands and remembers. The beauty of this curriculum is, it is set for multiple grade levels so dinner conversations can be about Hammurabi and the Babylonians. Reading will be required at home, we will do projects, mapping and discussions. The reader will be required text, it is also available in audio. We may be able to bulk buy (discount) let Jessica know if interested.
Elementary Bible Study Katie Lee
This class will go through cycles 1 and 2 (out of 12) of the Classical Sunday School, teaching biblical literacy through Mapwork, Timeline, Hymns, Greek/Hebrew, Passage Memory and Bible Fact Songs. Those will be done in class as well as listening to/reading a Bible story (Vos and Hurlbut are recommended). The students will then be drilled at home (very important!). Each 2 cycles complete a tour of the Bible (hitting on slightly different stories) in 24 weeks. The remaining weeks will be spent in other learning activities (i.e. Bible feasts) and service projects.
Science: God’s Design for Life For Beginners 2-3 Venessa Stevenson
This is a wonderful introduction into the amazing world of science! We should be able to do at least one science activity/experiment each week, which will help keep your child engaged and having fun while learning! The book that we will be using will help your children begin to learn about the wonderful life God created in plants, animals, and humans! I can’t wait to explore and discuss the beautiful life God created with your students.
Elementary Theater Venessa Stevenson
During this school year we will work to produce at least 2 plays. It will depend on the students as of to what the plays will be, and how many they will perform. This will be a fun class that will help children get more comfortable with speaking in front of groups of people, building relationships, working together as a team and learning how much fun theater can be! Theater is a wonderful opportunity for children to explore creativity and imagination, build their self-confidence, work on language and communication skills, concentration, and be encouraging to others! I look forward to helping these kids step out of their comfort zone, and hopefully learn more about how to be a light for God!
Supplies: 3 prong notebook, pencil, highlighter
PE Elementary 2-5 Clara Ortega
WE PLAY!! We chase balls, we chase each other, we run, we do relays, we play games like kickball, dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, mushroom tag, etc. $5 equipment fee
Let’s Experiment! 4-5
What’s that you say? You want Science experiments? Well then this is the class for you! How do honeybees find their way home? Why is Venus so hot? How can you measure the speed of the wind? What makes a sound loud or soft? Together through fun demonstrations and activities, we will discover the awesome answers to these and other fascinating mysteries in biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and astronomy. Let’s have fun learning science. Let’s experiment! $20 supply fee (this is in order to help me purchase everything needed for the experiments). I haven’t decided for sure, but most likely purchasing the book will be optional. It typically costs $15 new.
American Girl 4-7 Julie Brown
This class we will read, craft and eat in the culture and era of American Girl books. This class is hands on and requires reading outside of class. We learn long forgotten skills and try various foods. Charlotte Mason/classical, Supply fee at least $35
Creative Writing 5-7 Jennifer Dodge
This Creative writing class will help take your writer to the next level. This is a great option for students who enjoy writing already. Writers will practice the writing process and other techniques to help them tune their skills. We will focus on creative writing (stories, narratives, and poems). We will work mostly on writing pieces during class, but homework may be given on certain days.
Class supplies – folder, loose leaf notebook paper, pen, pencil, erasers, and highlighter.
Class fee is $5.
Middle School PE 6-8 Clara Ortega
WE PLAY! We run, we relay, we exercise, we do stretches, and we play games like kickball, dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, tag, shark, etc.
Spanish 7-9 Clara Ortega
A few things students will learn in this course: how to greet others, describe themselves and others, including family members, ask questions of others, describe their likes and dislikes, talk about their daily routines, tell time, talk about the weather and seasons of the year, and to give directions.
Introduction to Knitting Middle and High school and moms Laura Purdue
We will learn the basics of hand knitting, from casting on to finishing a project. We will learn basic knitting stitches and practice them by creating smaller scale projects that are knit flat. No knitting experience is needed for this class as we will start from the beginning and build from there. We will learn how to read yarn labels and patterns, how to choose yarn and needles for specific projects, and about different fiber contents and how they can affect your project. We will learn casting on, binding off, and a variety of stitches as we work on small projects to practice what we are learning each week.
There will be no specific homework per se, but it will be necessary to spend 10 minutes or so most days practicing what we have learned in class in order to progress and develop knitting skills. $10 for print outs, copies of patterns, and misc small tools I will provide. You will need to get a pair of needles and yarn (I will provide info on that in the welcome letter)
Knitting: Beyond the Basics Middle and High school Laura Purdue
This is a knitting class that will focus on learning how to knit more advanced projects and focus on skills involved with knitting “in the round”. Some basic knitting experience is strongly recommended, if you know how to cast on, and are familiar with the knit and purl stitches, that is all you need to know coming into this class. We will learn techniques that will allow us to knit more advanced projects, like gloves, hats, socks and other projects that are easier to create using circular needles.
We will progress at a pace that will be determined by the students in the class, so it is recommended to spend some time daily practicing the things we learn in class in order to advance.
We will use circular needles, which are pairs of needles joined by a cable in order to create a circular project. $10 for patterns, printouts and misc small tools I will provide. You will get yarn and needles and I will provide detailed information on what to look for before class begins.
ASL 1 Jennifer Scott
ASL 2 Jennifer Scott
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology Stephanie Byers 7-9th grade
Course Description: From head to toe students will navigate their way through the human body. Through coursework, homework, activities, and labs we will explore all of our amazing body systems covering their basic operations and functions as well as how they all beautifully work together to allow us to think, feel, and grow. This course will also include both a brief overview of the reproductive system, but no in-depth questions or assignments on this topic, and a section on human growth and development.
Curriculum Choice: TBA
Middle School Grammar Christy Fender
Using Daily Grammar Practice we will improve our understanding of
parts of speech, sentence structure, clauses and types of sentences, capitalization and
punctuation, and sentence diagraming. We will also have weekly vocabulary and in
class lessons that will dive into specific grammar topics.
Anatomy and Physiology Gina Alley and Stephanie Byers 10-12th grade
Brains, lungs, guts, oh my! This is advanced high school anatomy class, we will go over all body systems, including the reproductive system. We will be doing labs and several dissections throughout the year. This class is meant to supplement what parents are doing at home with this course. Class fee $60 for specimens. Apologia Advanced Biology 2nd ed.
Cinema Studies for Literature 8-12 Jennifer Hambrick
This is a brand new class with all new movies from previous years, so anyone who has taken this class before can take it again!
Good story telling is good story telling! This class is geared to the visual learner in high school, to those who are reluctant readers or for whom reading is very time-consuming, and to those who love movies! Good movies tell good stories, and good storytelling requires the use of traditionally respected literary devices and techniques. With a little help from a study guide, many movies introduce the viewer to excellent literature that is being presented in a visual medium.
In this class we will:
1) Use the medium of movies to learn and analyze literary techniques.
2) Learn critical thinking skills to discern media with.
3)Develop necessary writing and vocabulary skills to articulate findings clearly.
Movies will need to be watched outside of class time. Homework will include vocabulary, completing study guides, writing assignments, and oral presentations. This class fulfills a Language Arts credit.None require to purchase, I will provide all study guides for every movie and supplemental material. $25 fee to cover all curriculum and materials.
H.S. Health and Nutrition 9-11
This class is a full science high school credit and is full of valuable knowledge to help students make the best choices for themselves as they mature into adulthood. This course explores the physical, nutritional, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual concepts needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We will take a deep dive into topics that affect our health and well-being, including genetics, temperament, mental and emotional health, spiritual health, interpersonal relationships, nutrition, exercise, avoiding addictions, and moral responsibility.
Students will need Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, 2nd edition, as well as the corresponding student notebook. There is about 3 – 4 hours of homework per week, this varies due to scheduled projects. Tests will be open book, unless you feel your student needs more of a challenge.
Journalism 9-12
This class is for students who enjoy writing creative, informational, and engaging articles for a newspaper shared with the TRLT student body. I will play the role of facilitator and students will take turns leading out an issue of the newspaper each month. Each student will have a writing assignment(s) that will need to be completed by a deadline. We will learn journalist terms and article writing skills. Students with strong leadership skills, good time management, self-discipline, and a passion for writing/journalism will be a good fit for this class. It’s a great team building class where we work together to accomplish a goal!
Materials needed – folder/binder, pen, pencil, laptop/tablet
Class fee – $5
Script Writing & Theater Class 9-12 Jennifer Dodge
This class offers a unique blend of scriptwriting and theater, where we will collaboratively create a script and bring it to life through performance. In the first semester, we’ll focus on the fundamentals of writing a compelling script, exploring character development, dialogue, plot structure, and themes. In the second semester, we’ll transition to the exciting hands-on process of staging the play, including costume design, stage setup, and rehearsing acting techniques. If you’re passionate about both writing and performing, this class provides an incredible opportunity to explore the creative process from start to finish. Class supplies – folder, loose left notebook paper, and pencil. $5 class fee
World History Scott Wilson
Exploring Greek Literature 10-12 Emmie Rider
Join us as we journey into the world of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two of the most influential stories from the classical era. In this course, we will discover the themes, characters, and conflicts present throughout these novels and analyze them from a Christian perspective. We will explore themes such as war, heroism, and the complexity of the human experience as we dive into the story of Achilles’ rage and Odysseus’ journey home.
Life Skills Scott Wilson
In this class will we learn a basic understanding of many skills you will need throughout life. Such as basic auto mechanics every driver needs and road safety, safety every resident needs, basic survival skills, basic building, and more. This class will be hands on and educational. Class fee $15 a semester.
Chess Scott Wilson