2025/2026 Class Descriptions
Prek- K
Math and Language skills will be developed using the Charlotte Mason Approach. This hands on style of learning will encompass Bible, science and art. A class supply list will be sent out on Facebook over the summer. Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum
This is a two hour class. Learn together with new friends and have fun! – Home Grown Preschooler – Explore various manipulatives, try new things, participate in calendar time, explore God’s creation, learn songs, letters, numbers, and memorize God’s word together. Supplies needed: crayons, colored pencils, markers, safety scissors, and a painting smock. Homework requirements: nature walks, telling stories to family members to record in personal journal, children will have opportunities to share their adventures and stories with the class, practice making eye contact and speaking clearly. $10.00 class supplies
First grade
First Grade Rocks!! This class is a great way to make new friends, build relationships and character while strengthening academic skills. Join me and your classmates for a class full of reading, writing, playing, and growing together in God’s word! $15 fee a semester
Nature Crafts Pre-k to 2nd
God has given us a life full of color. How lucky are we to be in such creation where we are able to mold together pieces of what he has laid out for us. Using natural materials, diffusing it all together making art pieces made by hand. Glorifying Him, in the life he has provided for us. Nature crafts is a class filled with just that. In this class, students will be hands on using all their senses. Learning about natural dyes from herbs, spices, fruits, and plants. Creating homemade play-doe, and hands scrubs. Collecting earth materials to make projects to keep for a lifetime, and always remember, Romans 1:18–20: God reveals himself through nature, so people have no excuse for not knowing him.
Elementary Theater 2-5
During this school year we will work to produce 2-3 plays. These selections will be made once class size is known to try and have enough parts for everyone. We will also have an exciting time playing theater games, working on theatrical skills such as projection, and working towards being able to complete plays. Reading skills are not required, although helpful. Older students may help younger students at time if they need assistance with reading. This will be a fun class that will help children get more comfortable with speaking in front of groups of people, building relationships, working together as a team and learning how much fun theater can be! Theater is a wonderful opportunity for children to explore creativity and imagination, build their self-confidence, work on language and communication skills, concentration, and be encouraging to others! I can’t wait to see how much they grow during the year! Teacher: Pam Stallings Supplies: 3 prong notebook, pencil, highlighter, $5 copy fee
Nature Study 2nd-3rd
Step outside to explore God’s Creation with this engaging hands-on nature study. Learners will observe and discover new and exciting things about the natural world around them. By using nature journals, students will be able to record their findings of living and non-living things. They will engage in activities such as creating a biosphere, rock identification and painting, making watercolors out of flower petals, using sticks to make an animal home, and so much more. As Charlotte Mason puts it, “An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing.” (Class fee $5, Each student needs a 3 ring binder)
The Great 50 States, Grade Level 3-5
In this class we will learn all about the 50 states of the United States through fun games, songs, and interesting facts. Students will learn to locate each state on the map and identify their capital. We’ll spend time learning information about each state, play games that help build geography skills, and use songs to help memorize the capitals. This will be a fun and engaging class with minimal homework, mainly encouraging students to practice their map work and state capitals at home. Curriculum Fun with 50 States by Nicole Claesen
Earth and Life Science 4th-5th
* Engaging activities, hands-on learning, and experiment videos will make science exciting. * Ecosystems: “Explore the wonders of the vast world that surrounds us, from the amazing creations found in your own backyard to the most extreme biomes on Earth, in the updated Ecosystems science unit. Every little part of the earth, from the drops of water in the ocean to lumbering elephants to each unique person, is an important part of our world!” * Marine Biology: “Do you have a child who can’t get enough facts about sharks, whales, and other mysterious creatures of the deep? Explore these animals and discover even more about the ocean in this Marine Biology science unit. Through engaging lessons, stunning videos, simple experiments, and interactive learning, children will explore and gain a greater appreciation for some of the smallest of God’s creations as well as the largest creations on the planet.” * Geology: “Bring the study of rocks and minerals to life with our updated Geology science unit. Filled with breathtaking free videos and interactive learning, explore how earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and erosion change rocks to shape Earth’s tallest mountains and deepest caves. In this unit you will grow crystals, explode volcanoes, make mini earthquakes, and study the rock cycle. Get ready to be amazed at God’s beautiful, marvelous world!” $5 fee
Bear Grylls Adventure Series 2 4th-6th
This course will pick up where the first left off, finishing the last 6 books of the Bear Grylls Adventure Series. This will be a reading and survival course and will likely take place outdoors. We will read the last 6 books in the series Bear Grylls Adventures Series, where we will join famous survivalist and author Bear Grylls on all sorts of environmental challenges. The class will read a devotional and one chapter during class and then participate in an activity that goes along with the challenge. One chapter of reading will be assigned as homework each week and there may also be an activity to work on throughout the week to share or bring back to our next class. From the a volcano to the learning to sail, we will learn all kinds of important survival skills to help us survive in different environments and situations, while we work as a team and make friends along the way. $10 class fee
Spanish Conversations Grades 4-5
This is a class where students will learn conversational Spanish using songs, games, books, flash cards, and interactive learning. This is not a workbook class, but will be more of a speaking and repetition type of learning with some culture elements. Students who enjoy singing, speaking, and playing games while learning, then this class will be a good fit. Class fee is $5.
Creative Writing 5-6
This Creative writing class will hep take your writer to the next level. This is a great option for students who enjoy writing already. Writers will practice the writing process and other techniques to help them tune their skills. We will focus on a variety of writing styles and work mostly on writing pieces during class, but homework may be given on certain days. Class fee is $5.
The Art of Argument- an Introduction to Informal Fallacies 6-8
Teacher: Pam Stallings Middle and high school students will argue (and sometimes quarrel), but they won’t argue well without good training. Students who complete The Art of Argument will learn how to reason with clarity, relevance, and purpose . . . and will have fun along the way! Informal logic is a foundational subject by which other subjects are evaluated, assessed, and learned. Therefore, students’ study and mastery of the 28 logical fallacies will provide an essential lifetime framework for filtering good and bad reasoning as well as writing and speaking effectively. Required text: The Art of Argument Revised Student Edition Isbn: 9781600514500
Introduction to Knitting – 6-8
This will be a beginner level course teaching knitting basics. We will learn basic stitches, casting on and binding off, how to recognize and correct mistakes in our stitches, and how to read knitting patterns and charts. We will talk about different sizes and types of yarn and needles and how they affect the look and size of finished objects. We will work on small projects together throughout the course, and add new skills as we master and gain confidence through practice. There will be no consistent homework, but practicing at home each week will make a significant difference in how quickly skills are mastered. Some work on a project at home may be encouraged in order to complete it but it will not be required. $25 for needles, yarn and printed copies of patterns as needed
Girls Fitness and Conditioning MS / HS
This Fitness and Conditioning Class will include a diverse range of workouts to enhance strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance in a supportive environment. From cardio exercises to strength training and conditioning drills, each class will work to foster strength, resilience, fun, and a lifelong love for a healthy lifestyle. No equipment needed. Suitable for all fitness levels. This class will be a semester based class, running from September until December. A possible 2nd semester option will be available Jan – May. Homework assigned will be additional 2 workouts a week to be completed at home.
Practical and Moral leadership 9-11
This class will give students an understanding of what leadership is and how to apply various leadership skills and techniques. Students will be required to write papers about their understanding of leadership and about various leaders and examples of leadership.
Herbalism – God’s Medicine, Our Bounty 10-12
God gifted us with everything we need for all our health and wellness in His creation. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to positively identify herbs in your own backyard, harvest them, preserve them and use them medicinally. You will even create your own herbal notebook and be able to create your own herbal recipes using what you learn in this course. Come ready to get to know God’s green earth, and all He’s given us in plant medicine. Planning a fall and spring herb walk. $15 to cover plant preservation kits and various herbal tools
British Literature 10 -12
In this class we will explore various examples of British Literature like Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, the legends of King Arthur, A Christmas Carol, Pride & Prejudice, Gulliver’s Travels, Animal Farm, & the Hobbit, to name a few. We will use My Father’s World British Literature for much of our work, but students will also need copies of a few novels that we will study together throughout the year these can be purchased individually or borrowed from the library. Homework will often be reading and writing journals using literary analysis of the works we’re studying. Class time will consist of class discussions based on the reading, background information of authors and texts, and analyzing literary devices used in literature.
Introduction to Knitting – 9-12
This will be a beginner level course teaching knitting basics. We will learn basic stitches, casting on and binding off, how to recognize and correct mistakes in our stitches, and how to read knitting patterns and charts. We will learn about different types of yarn and needle sizes and how they affect the look and sizes of our finished objects. We will work on small projects together throughout the course and add new skills as we master and gain confidence through practice. There will be no actual homework, but practicing at home each week will be encouraged as time spent knitting is the best way to master new skills and gain confidence as a knitter. $25 for needles, yarn, and pattern printouts
Research Skills 10-12
You have your first Psychology class paper to write, and it’s time to go to the campus library to do your research. You sit down, access the library’s online database (or Google), type in a few keywords that match your topic and save the first few resources that come up. Done! Or, you step into the library and have no idea what to do. Research isn’t a single “college cram session.” It’s not even just for college students. Instead, solid research skills are the foundation to life long learning and critical thinking as an adult. I would like to practically show your highschoolers how the research process works – and how each step in that process completes the bigger picture. During our time together, we will learn how to take in information, think about it and process it. We will take that information, and then critically evaluate a large variety of sources for their relevance, authority and usefulness by asking the right questions. We will understand how to get to those sources by knowing the best techniques for searching online databases and print materials. Instead of finding materials and information that support a thesis, they will learn how to take a broad topic and use their questions and research to form the thesis. Also, students will learn about resource citation and know how to write up an annotated bibliography. Together, we will spend class time doing short exercises to learn techniques and skills. There will be at home work assigned to keep them on track and serve as research “check-ins” By the end of the year, students will present slides and a paper on a thoughtful topic of their choice to the class. There will be at home work assigned to keep them on track and serve as research “check-ins.” $5 class fee